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Digital transformation for dental practices is driving change to how they communicate with patients. Moreover, it’s not dentists driving this change. This is likely driven by their patients. For instance, more than half of Americans are now under the age of 40 with 85% smartphone ownership. The smartphone is the new vessel connecting patients to the dental practice.

Dental practices, the kids are taking charge!

Millennial’s and Gen Z’s expect advanced communications through online appointment reminders, online scheduling, and texting directly to practices in real time. It is their generation that largely dictates your plight. The question is how can your practice use technology to provide a better patient experience? Introducing the new “digital” patient.

Going paperless is really digital transformation!

Most dentists are looking to do more in less time – this is the definition of efficiency. And, to do it better is the gold standard we’re all striving for. Brown clipboard be gone with you!

What does the “paperless” practice really mean? Does it literally mean to eliminate your paper footprint?

Some believe it means a digital form of paper charts. That’s it. A reasonable first step but certainly not the last.

To others, it goes far beyond paperless patient charts. First, it maximizes practice efficiency through digital technology i.e. health history, patient consent, HIPAA, payment etc. Secondly, using data is a great way to remember things about the patient i.e. billing info, birthday, anniversary etc. Lastly, scheduling an online appointment, digital reminders, appointment confirmation and two-way text communications are things that patients have come to expect. This is Dental Technology 2.0

In conclusion, the cloud is an entirely different toolbox with better tools. It will make your job easier and faster. Plus, your staff and patients will welcome it!

Ted Takahashi

Author Ted Takahashi

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